Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My new bff? #edchat!

I think a PLN requires building to start and then it grows with participation. Starting one as been a huge educational step for me. If you can't find many like minded people physically close to you, why not try expanding internationally or globally through the internet? #edchat is my bff.

last weekend #edchat led me to follow the #educon and even though I couldn't attend the conference, I was still able to participate in conversation and watch as many educators shared quotes, resources and inspiration. Knowing so many passionate people came together to discuss their passion and learn from each other is very exciting. As a pre-service I'm so eager to be apart of such a wonderful group of collaborates as we change children's lives and the future of education for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Irony of ironies - I just wrote something almost identical on my blog about learning from #edcon even though I wasn't physically in attendance! Which conferences have you been to this year or which ones do you plan on attending? > Oh, and I agree that @zbpipe is awesome sauce!
